Our School
St Agnes' School is a co-educational parish primary school in the Melbourne bayside suburb of Highett. The school was first established in 1951 under the leadership and guidance of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. The school was initially located in a hall on Worthing Road, Highett before the current school site was established on Peterson Street in Highett.
We have a current enrolment of about 170 students, in seven ‘straight’ classes. Current enrolment projections indicate that student numbers will grow to around 200 students in coming years. We have fantastic educational facilities including a library, art room, a specialist classroom and multipurpose hall. The school has recently completed a $2 million refurbishment project of our seven ground level classrooms and a modular building. These modernised spaces bring additional flexibility to suit our approach to teaching and learning. Our Parents and Friends committee have continued to partner with the school to improve our play areas and we are particularly well equipped with large, open spaces for the children to enjoy.
We provide a comprehensive differentiated and inclusive curriculum built on explicit teaching of foundational skills, allowing students to think critically, work creatively, analyse information and solve problems. We cater for a variety of learning styles, backgrounds, perspectives and interests through a range of extra-curricular programs such as Visual and Performing Arts, Italian, Physical Education and Camps.
We create an environment where students understand that their Catholic Faith and identity is at the centre of all that we do. Students come to know their faith through understanding of the Gospels, the celebration of our traditions and being in relationship with God through Prayer, Liturgy and Action.
The school is located on a hectare of land bound by four neighbouring streets. The enclosed site includes the school, the parish centre, church and tennis courts. The physical dynamics of the parish complex contribute to a real sense of community that exists in our parish and school. The children in Years 3, 4 and 6 celebrate the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation throughout the year.
Our school comprises a diverse community. Highett remains an area that is undergoing change with many new families moving into the area and the rebuilding of residential housing. Our teachers are extremely supportive of all students and are focused on delivering high-quality teaching and learning which are driven by evidence based and supported by assessment. The school has significantly invested in ICT infrastructure recently, with all students in Years 3 to 6 allocated a Chromebook (laptop) and 30 iPads spread throughout Prep to Year 2.
The families in our school are extremely supportive and committed to seeing our students and school flourish. There are significant opportunities for parental involvement in activities such as after-school sausage sizzles, special celebrations like the Mother's Day Liturgy and Breakfast and even the school Walkathon.

Our Vision
Our Mission
We are faith-filled
We create an environment where students understand that their Catholic Faith and identity is the centre of all that we do. Students come to know their faith through understanding of the Gospels, the celebration of our traditions and being in relationship with God through Prayer, Liturgy and Action.
We care
We provide a nurturing, purposeful and rigorous learning environment where our students feel connected with their teachers and peers, and safe to take risks and make mistakes.
We have a holistic approach
We foster the development of the social, emotional, academic, spiritual and creative growth of every student.
We challenge
We empower students to be resilient, flexible and curious learners who enjoy a challenge, can apply a growth mindset and become proficient problem solvers.
We develop thinkers
We develop our students into critical thinkers and responsible communicators who can positively contribute to our ever changing, contemporary world.
We strive for improvement
We aim to further develop staff who value collaboration and are committed to providing high-quality, best-practice teaching and learning approaches to ensure that the needs of all students are met, wherever they are on the continuum of learning.
We are better together
We value and enrich positive relationships between students, staff, parents, the parish and extended community.
We value community
We create opportunities for all members of our community to lead and actively contribute to the achievement of the school's shared vision and mission.