We are currently accepting enrolment applications for Prep 2026 and Prep 2027. Prospective families are welcome to tour the school on any day listed below or by making an appointment with our Principal, Lachie Foott (lfoott@sahighett.catholic.edu.au).
2025 Open Days
Our school is hosting Open Days on the following dates:
Wednesday 26th February, Tuesday 18th March, Wednesday 26th March, Tuesday 29th April, Tuesday 13th May
You are welcome to come along any time between 9am and 3pm. Register here for an Open Day.
If you would like to arrange a school tour outside of the above dates, please contact the school.
You are welcome to enrol prior to Open Days or tours.
Prep Enrolments
Children must turn 5 years of age by the 30th of April in the year they are commencing school.
Enrolment Applications should be accompanied by:
Immunisation Certificate
Birth Certificate
Baptism Certificate
Places at St. Agnes' are offered in accordance with the school’s Enrolment Policy. A $50 application fee is payable upon submission of application forms.
Order of Prep Acceptance
Siblings of children already enrolled at St Agnes'.
Catholic children who live within the boundaries of the Parish.
Catholic children from neighbouring parishes.
All other children.
New Enrolments at Other Year Levels (subject to availability)
Families are welcome to make an appointment to tour the school and meet with the Principal. Parents of new applicants are required to complete the Enrolment Application Form.
To submit and enrolment enquiry, please click here.

Playgroup at St Agnes'
At St Agnes', we have a playgroup for three and four-year-old kinder children and their younger siblings. Give your child a flying start to their primary schooling!
The goals of our playgroup include:
To give kinder aged children an insight into the workings of a primary classroom
To establish a connection between local families and children
To connect families and children to our school grounds, staff and community
To enhance the transition program for our new Prep students
All children and families are welcome and it is free of charge. The sessions run fortnightly on a Friday morning from 9am-10am on the dates listed below. Parents are asked to stay with their child(ren) for the duration of the playgroup. The first half-hour will be a structured activity for the children in the classroom or hall, followed by time for play and engagement together in the playground or other school spaces.
The 2025 dates for playgroup are:
14th February, 28th February, 21st March, 2nd May, 16th May, 30th May, 13th June, 27th June, 1st August, 15th August, 29th August
Playgroup commences at 9am on the above dates.
Please register using the link below: